Surely, you have seen a deer frozen in place, staring at the head lights of a vehicle coming straight at it. It is fear itself that causes the deer to stand there and do absolutely nothing about avoiding impending death. So many times, for the majority of people, life is lived to some degree in this same exact way, frozen by fear. And even without the prospect of an immediate and fatal danger, we are all slowly moving towards our deaths. Doing so paralyzed by fear, is not only unappealing and sad, it is downright reproachable, given the alternative.

I want to discuss what fear is exactly and its reason for existing, what it does to your body and mind when it takes over you, why you must conquer it and how to do it.

The book definition of fear: “It is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat”.

Fear causes a change in brain and organ function and, ultimately, a change in behavior, engaging the sympathetic system (fight or flight response, or a complete freezing in place). These responses are programmed into our subconscious and are there for a reason. In different times, they helped guarantee our survival. When predators roamed the earth and humanity was still a struggling species, fighting for morsel of food with wild animals, and when an unknown group of humans meant a very likely threat to one’ s life, it was quite beneficial to feel very cautious about anything new or unknown, and to avoid dangers when possible.

The problem is, our world had changed and our subconscious has not changed that much. Our brain has evolved, our frontal lobe, where logical thinking is located, has gotten a lot bigger, but a part of our brain is still animalistic, and that is where fear comes from. Our reptilian brain analyzes past experienced and passed down knowledge and beliefs, and if it feels that a certain action might in any way cause pain or harm, it signals us to not do it. The problem here is that those actions that we are most likely afraid off, are the ones that we need to be doing in order to evolve to a higher version of ourselves.

Giving that speech, going to that interview, trying out that new sport, talking to an attractive stranger, starting that new exercise program. All these are examples of situations, where people usually procrastinate, find excuses, or simply stay frozen and never move forward.

What does this lead to? The outlook of letting fear paralyze you is never good. That’s why there are so many stuck in dead-end jobs, unsatisfying relationships, living lives of tedious day by day and boredom, in bodies that are not healthy. People too scared to take the first step out of the comfort of their routine, even when they know that they are not doing the best they could. The reptilian brain is ruling them, saying “its ok, is safe here, if you go trying to change you might suffer, don’t do it!” And they stay frozen, and that is like being the walking dead. Maybe that is why the zombie character has become such a fixture of pop culture.


It is your responsibility to conquer your fear and live your best possible life. It is because of people that did so, that our world has evolved, that we have tamed the beasts and built empires and flying machines and everything else in existence. To leave your legacy, to leave this world a bit better than you found it, you have to overcome fear and become the captain of your soul!!! How? Lets see.

1. Awareness. Now that you have become aware of why you feel this emotion, when it tries to overcome you, look at it, accept it, allow yourself to feel it and reign it in. Decide if it is a rational fear or an irrational one, and channel it properly. Use breath control exercises and affirmations.

2. Every day do something that scares you. Start small, do something like taking an alternative route to work, or talking to a stranger in line at the store, then progress to bigger things, like going back to school or joining a club.

3. Use your frontal lobe!!! Be logical, analyze your fear, dissect it, see it for what it is, a pre-programmed response. Then, turn off the switch. Do this constantly, and it becomes easier.

4. Talk to your fear, like a boss, tell it who is in charge and mean it!!!

To close, I wanna remind you of how this life is the only one you know for sure that you have as a human being, and that it can be filled with many super enjoyable, exhilarating experiences, of fun, of learning, of becoming, of helping others, and there is no dress rehearsal for this. You have to push fear to the wings, and say “Screw it, we are doing it live!!!”.


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